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How We Helped Green Sky Foundation Get 100 Donations a Month

At Zappkode Solutions, we’re passionate about using our skills in software development and digital marketing to support causes that matter. One partnership we’re especially proud of is with Green Sky Foundation, an NGO doing incredible work across India. Here’s how we teamed up to boost their social media game and helped them secure 100 donations every month.

Identifying the Challenge

When Green Sky Foundation came to us, they had a clear mission: to uplift communities by providing education, food, and essential services. But like many nonprofits, they were struggling to turn social media engagement into steady donations. They needed a strategy that could amplify their voice and turn followers into active supporters.

Our Game Plan

We began by thoroughly analysing their social media presence to see what was effective and what needed improvement. Based on our findings, we developed a strategy centred on creating content that truly connected with their audience and motivated them to take action.

Telling Their Story

People connect with stories, so we made sure Green Sky Foundation’s content was rich with them. We shared real-life stories from the field, gave people a look behind the scenes, and posted educational content that highlighted the importance of their work. We also mixed in more eye-catching visuals like videos and infographics to keep their feed fresh and engaging.

Running Targeted Campaigns

Next, we launched targeted social media campaigns to highlight specific needs. Whether it was funding for a new project or urgent relief efforts, we made sure these campaigns were seen by people most likely to donate. This targeted approach helped us maximise the impact of each post.

Building a Community

We didn’t just want to get donations; we wanted to build a community. By hosting live Q&A sessions, sharing stories from supporters, and responding quickly to comments, we turned followers into a loyal and engaged community. This sense of belonging kept people coming back to support the Green Sky Foundation month after month.

The Results?

Thanks to our combined efforts, Green Sky Foundation now consistently receives 100 donations each month. This steady stream of support is making a real difference, allowing them to expand their programs and help more people in need.

Moving Forward Together

Our work with Green Sky Foundation is just getting started. We’re excited to continue evolving our strategies to help them reach even more milestones. If you’re curious about how we can do the same for your organisation, let’s chat. We’re all about making things happen.

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